IND Specialty Pharmacy*
We are Humble PTY. LTD.
Audrey Teoh
A Pharmacy but not as you know it. IND is a boutique specialty pharmacy supplying medical cannabinoid products. The business is named after the clients preferred strain of marijuana, the Indica strain, known for it’s relaxing effects.
Staying away from greens and leaf motifs, we instead created an aesthetic that represented our client Audrey the Pharmacist; light, cheerful and feminine.
Drawing on these attributes and the relaxing vibe of the Indica strain, the branding is centered around a fluffy cloud. The branding is bold yet dreamlike, using soft lilac and blue tones accompanied by strong block shapes.
The simple logo shape can then be translated from use in printed collateral to larger applications within the physical space of the pharmacy.
Client: Audrey Teoh